Magazine Submission
We want to hear your stories!
Missouri Humanities (MH) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to strengthen communities and enrich lives by connecting Missourians to the people, places, and ideas that shape society. Submissions may be in the genre of a perspectives piece, personal narrative, poetry, historical or nonfiction essay, short story, personal reflection, book/ film review, or findings from original research, geared towards a public humanities audience. Submissions should be between 350 to 1,000 words in length.
Articles and creative submissions may be focused on any subject of the author’s choice. Preference will be given to submissions related to the MH annual theme. We are curious about what comes to mind when thinking of civics, democracy, and the rights and duties of citizens. This issue will aim to spotlight the narratives and perspectives that shape our understanding of what it means to be a citizen, while also considering the diversity of Missouri and the voices that contribute to our collective story. We invite you to submit work that speaks to this topic, both in the past, present, and future, especially as it pertains to Missouri and Missourians.
Submission Periods
Spring/Summer: Submissions are open December 1st – February 28th
Fall/Winter: Submissions are open June 1st – July 31st
The best way to familiarize yourself with the preferred style and structure of MO Humanities magazine articles is to read previously published issues. Submissions received outside of the above submission periods will not be considered. Simultaneous submissions are okay provided you notify us if accepted elsewhere.
Publication Dates
Spring/Summer: Published in June
Fall/Winter: Published in December
In general, these are the word count totals we request for 1 or 2-page pieces, depending on the number and sizes of the images accompanying the work:
• 1 page: 350–500 words
• 2 pages: 500–1,000 words
For poetry, please submit up to 5 poems, no more than 5 pages, with poems separated by page breaks.
For photography and digital illustrations, please include a 400-word maximum artist’s statement reflecting on the piece and its relation to the magazine’s theme.
For all genres, include your full job/position title(s) and degree title(s), as well as those of any co-authors. Please also include a brief 75-word maximum third-person bio.
Please send one submission per submission period.
References: If your article contains notes from research or for reference, please incorporate them into the article’s body. Do not include footnotes or endnotes with your article. Articles should follow Chicago Manual of Style guidelines, which are summarized for free online at Owl Purdue or can be read in full with a subscription.
Text-based submissions should be submitted as text documents (such as .DOC or .RTF). Do not submit articles in .PDF or .PAGES format.
Art or photography should be submitted in .PNG, .JPG, or .TIF format, 300 dpi minimum, and at least 4″ in width (larger if possible). Please attach images as separate files, independent of your article, and please include any information relevant for captions. If a file is too large to submit, you may upload it to Google Drive and send a link, though please note to adjust the privacy settings so we may view your work. Any inaccessible files will not be considered.
Submissions with excessive formatting or in need of extensive copyediting may be returned to the author for revision; please only submit clean copy with minimal formatting.
Intellectual Property
MO Humanities asks for First North American Rights for publishing, and because each magazine issue is available on our website after print publication, we also require Non-Exclusive Electronic Rights. Following publication, all rights revert to the writer; we only ask that you credit MO Humanities as the place of first publication. An author’s submission grants MH the right to publish the article in MO Humanities’ digital and print editions of the magazine. By submitting your work to Missouri Humanities, you affirm and guarantee that the submission is entirely your original creation.
We do not accept AI-generated or AI-assisted prose, poetry, or art.
Submission Instructions
Please email your submissions to
Space is limited. Not all submissions will be published. After an author submits an article, MH staff, editorial staff, and/or a volunteer committee will review each submission and determine which articles are the best fit for the magazine. Potential contributors will receive a decision regarding their submission within 4-8 weeks of the submission deadline. MH staff will keep all authors informed as to the status of their submissions throughout the process. Articles not chosen for the upcoming issue may be filed and considered for future editions.
The MH and editorial staff may recommend rejection, revision, or proceeding to publication. If a piece is deemed appropriate for publishing, authors will consult with editorial staff or staff members to maximize the effectiveness of the submission.
After a piece has been accepted for publication, MH staff will provide line edits in consultation with the author to reach a layout-ready version of the work. Authors will have the opportunity to review the final version of the laid-out piece prior to publication.
Missouri Humanities strives to honor our contributors’ hard work and excellence by offering honorariums based on the submission type. Once a piece has been accepted for publication, staff will guide contributors through the payment process which will be finalized upon the magazine’s completion.
$50 / poem, up to $150
$50 / page for short stories and essays, up to $150
$50 / page of graphic design, photography, and illustrative images, up to $150
$100 / cover image, up to $200