The public is invited to the Civil War Roundtable of St. Charles Missouri for a program on Archer Alexander and the Underground Railroad on Tuesday, February 4, 2025. A small informal group, no membership necessary, meets at the St Charles City-County Library – Kathryn Linnemann Branch at 2323 Elm Street in St. Charles at 7pm. This is the story of an enslaved man from St. Charles who would make his way via the Underground Railroad, across Howell’s Ferry (Where the TNT Plant is today) to St. Louis, taking 16 other Freedom Seekers coming from Fort Peruque with him!!! He is also the same man, the National icon for Emancipation, on the Emancipation Memorial in Washington DC. Archer is the great-great-great grandfather of Muhammad Ali. Start out Black History Month by coming to hear this story! Yes, our programs are recorded and will be shared on our YouTube Channel, but you will want to hear this program (the Speaker is Dorris Keeven-Franke from the Missouri Speakers Bureau) live. SHARE this with your friends, children, and grandchildren!